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Add, update or remove a status tag

If your DekkoSecure administrator has enabled status tagging, the ⊕ button will appear in the Status column.

Tags can be added to files that you own (uploaded) or of which files you are an administrator (shared with full permissions). Tags set on shared content will be displayed for all users that have access to the file/folder.

To add a tag: press ⊕ and then select a tag (or multiple tags, if needed!) and press save.

To update a tag: press on a current tag, then make a selection/deselections and press save.

To remove a tag: press on a current tag, deselect the tag and press save.

Notion image

Tag changes will be listed in the audit log -

Notion image

To add, reorder or remove tags from the tag selection list, please contact your DekkoSecure administrator. Users with the Tenancy admin role are able to manage tag settings.

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