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Tenancy Activities

Tenancy Activities


Count users in a tenancy
Reference the "results" count at the bottom of the page.
Count users in a Hub
Enter the Hub name in the search bar, then reference the "results" count at the bottom of the page.
Check which Hubs a user belongs to
Enter the user's name or email in the search bar, then reference the Hubs displayed in the "Hubs" column.
Check the last time a user logged in
Enter the user's name or email in the search bar, then reference the date displayed in the "Last login" column. Note: login activity for SSO users can be found using your SSO administration tool(s).
Reset 2FA for a user
Enter the user's name or email in the search bar, then press [•••] and select "Reset 2FA". A new 2FA code will be presented to the user the next time they log in.
Check a users tenancy admin status
Enter the user's name or email in the search bar, then check for the  symbol in the "Status" column. Alternate: use the "Tenant admin" dropdown at the top of the page. Note: to add a new tenant admin please contact DekkoSecure support.
Check which users have 2FA enabled/disabled
Set a preference in the "2FA" dropdown at the top of the page.
Remove a user from all tenancy Hubs
Enter the user's name or email in the search bar, then press [•••] and select "Delete user". The user will still be able to log in to DekkoSecure, but will no longer have access to any in-tenancy Hubs or files. Contact DekkoSecure support for absolute account deletion.
Reset a user's password
Enter the user's name or email in the search bar, then press [•••] and select "Reset password". Note: password reset is not available for SSO users.
Check which users authenticate using SSO
Set a preference in the "Azure AD" dropdown at the top of the page.
Add a user to a Hub / update a user’s Hub membership role
Press [•••] and select "Manage memberships”, then update the Hub membership role(s) as required.

Typical user listing view:

Notion image


Check storage used by a Hub
Check the amount listed in the "Storage used" column. Tip: use the search bar to narrow down your results Tip: press the "Storage chart" button at the top of the page to see a visual representation of storage user per-Hub.
Count Hubs in a tenancy
Reference the "results" count at the bottom of the page. Tip: use the search bear to narrow down your results.
Check Hub admins
Enter the Hub's name in to the search bar and reference the user(s) listed in the "Admins" column.
Disable file sharing, mail or chat
Press the "Edit feature policies" button at the top of the page.
Check feature availability
Reference the "Files and eSignatures", "Mail" and "Chat" columns.
Change a Hub branding or user roles/visibility
Enter the Hub's name in to the search bar and then press the ✱ button to access Hub-specific settings. Note: you must be a member of the Hub and set as an admin to use this feature.
Delete a Hub
Enter the Hub's name in to the search bar and then press the delete button. Warning: Hub deletion is permanent. All files contained within the Hub will be removed and cannot be recovered.

Typical Hub listing:

Notion image

Typical Hub storage view:

Notion image


See upload/download traffic for a specified period
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then reference the displayed data.
See a Hub's upload/download traffic for a specified period
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, set the Hub in the Hub dropdown, then reference the displayed data.
See a User's upload/download traffic for a specified period
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, set the User in the User dropdown, then reference the displayed data (all users is default).
See cumulative data for a specified period
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then select the "Show cummulative" button.
See traffic data in a table format
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then select the "Show table view" button.
Adjust traffic display granularity (daily/monthly/yearly)
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then select a preference in the granularity dropdown (daily is default).
Export traffic data
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then press the "Download as CSV" button.

Typical (2-week) traffic view:

Notion image


Search for a user, event or entry
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then use the search bar to narrow results.
View Hub-specific audit logs
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, set the Hub in the Hub dropdown (all Hubs is default), then reference the displayed data.
Export audit logs
Set a start and end date at the top of the page, then press the "Download as CSV" button.

Typical audit view (Hub-specific, one-month filter):

Notion image


Automatically export audit logs to SIEM (Splunk)
Prepare you Splunk environment, then enter your SIEM credentials in to the page. Press "Save" to apply.
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